
Table of Contents
  1. Articles I Enjoyed Reading
  2. Education/Courses
  3. Public Domain Works
  4. C Programming
  5. Rust
  6. Essential Browser Addons

This is a collection of links, books, resources of any form that I find useful and want to share. If you think something should be on that list and it isn’t, send an email.

Articles I Enjoyed Reading

If you look at the bottom of a page on this blog, you’ll see a selection of articles from blogs I follow generated by openring. Here is a manual list of blog posts and articles I appreciate and recommend to read.


Public Domain Works

C Programming


Essential Browser Addons

Essential list of browser addons for surfing the web today.

Articles from blogs I follow around the net

Status update, June 2024

Hi all! This status update will be shorter than usual because I had a lot less free time for my open-source projects than usual this month. Indeed, I recently joined SNCF Réseau (the company responsible for the French railway infrastructure) to work on OSRD, …

via emersion June 19, 2024

Whose CIDR is it anyway?

A look at CIDR block ownership from a RIR-, country-, and organization level. Originally presented at RIPE88.

via Signs of Triviality June 12, 2024

How and why to make a /now page on your site

Background I used to wonder what my friend Benny Lewis was doing. He has a website and social media accounts, but neither gave an overview of what he’s doing now. Then I realized some people might wonder the same about me. So in 2015, I made a /now page on my…

via Derek Sivers blog May 18, 2024

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